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1. Can there be more than one agent program that implements

    one agent function.

2. Are there agent functions that cannot be implemented by

    any agent program.

3. Given fixed machine architecture, does each agent program

    implement exactly one agent function?

4.  Give the PEAS for the following case studies

            Refinery Controller

            Part picking robot

            Satellite image analysis system


5. Give a solution for the water jug problem.

6. Compare and contrast DFS and BFS. When is DFS better

    than BFS?

7. Explain using suitable examples the working of the best

    First Search Algorithm.

8. Compare the performance of the A* Algorithms with that of

    the Best First Search Algorithm

Agent-1. State the following PEAS description of an agent that reports threat of tsunami activity:


Determine what type of agent architecture is most appropriate (table lookup, simple reflex, goal-based, or utility-based). Give a detailed explanation and justification of your choice.


Agent-2. Describe the (internal) evaluation function that might be used by the Tsunami Activity Reporter. Is it a static or a dynamic evaluation function?


Agent-3. Assume that you designed a utility-based agent for the Tsunami Activity Reporter (whether or not the problem warrants it). Describe the utility function that it might use.


Agent-4. What (external) performance measures would you recommend for your Tsunami Activity Reporter?


Agent-5. Describe the properties of the environment of the Tsunami Activity Reporter 

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